Walking Festival of Sound (2019)
Walking Festival of Sound is a traveling, transdisciplinary event exploring
the role of walking through and listening to our everyday surroundings.
It combines a number of free and public events including walking performances
and walking seminars which take place in diverse public spaces.
Evening events informed by walking practices take place in various event spaces
Walking Festival of Sound facilitates
a meeting point for an international network of practitioners and researchers
interested in sound and walking. Through diverse events we explore how walking
and listening practices can augment and challenge the way we perceive, navigate
through, and care for our shared environments.
The first edition of the festival took place in Stockholm between the 5th and the 8th of September 2019.
It included performances, soundwalks, workshops, and talks by:
Janna Holmstedt, Tim Shaw, Juanma González, Nguyễn Thanh Thủy,
Erik Sjödin, Shahram Khosravi, Brett Ascarelli, Geraldine Hudson, and
Jacek Smolicki.
The Art of Field Recording, a sound installation
at Detroit Stockholm gallery accompanying the festival included works by:
Phill Niblock, Yvette Janine Jackson, Peter Cusack, Jez riley French,
Katt Hernandez, Jenny Sunesson, Lorenzo Brusci, Maria Nordsø Lundberg,
Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola, David Burraston, Brett Ascarelli,
Kamen Nedev, Pheobe riley Law, Martyna Poznańska,
Youngjae Lih, Robert Aeberhard, and Jacek Smolicki.
Full program and more details on www.wfos.net
The second edition of the festival takes place in Newcastle between 11th and 14th of October 2019.
The Walking Festival of Sound is funded by
the Newcastle University Institute for Creative Arts Practice
The program of events is organized and curated by Jacek Smolicki and Tim Shaw
Coorganizing partner: Fragmentarium Club
Janna Holmstedt, Shared Surface
Juanma González, Alby Walk
Brett Ascarelli, Scenes
Tim Shaw, Ambulation
Erik Sjödin, Fire Kitchen Soup
Jacek Smolicki, Slussen Soundwalk
Jacek Smolicki and Tim Shaw, Returning the Ear
Nguyễn Thanh Thủy, Aeolian Dan Tranh
Geraldine Hudson, Landvätter - Portal #1
The Art of Field Recording, a sound installation and a listening station at Detroit, Stockholm Gallery featuring works by various artists