
Returning the Ear (2016-)

Returning the ear is an ongoing collaboration with Tim Shaw, a Newcastle based sound artist and scholar. The collaboration has resulted in a particular method for attending to, documenting and mediating the space through variety of sonic interventions. If traditionally the understanding of places and experiences they yield has been focused on their visual aspects, our approach attempts to bring attention to practices of listening and audio-recording seen (or heard) as at least equivalent forms of being in the world. We question and test diverse natures of listening and recording through performative walks within urban and rural spaces. Drawing on traditions of soundscape research, soundwalking, DIY technologies and experimental musical practices, our work engages with listening as a generative act in which spaces become open for diverse and experimental modes of attention and interpretation.

'Returning the Ear' took place in several cities including Barcelona, Newcastle, Stockholm, Sarajevo, Copenhagen, and Romainmotier.

Returning the Ear, Barcelona, Port Forum, September 2016

Returning the Ear, Romainmotier, September 2016

Returning the Ear, Newcastle, February 2017

Returning the Ear, Newcastle, February 2017

Returning the Ear, Newcastle, February 2017

Returning the Ear, 'Trashwash', Sarajevo, March 2018

Returning the Ear, Malmö November 2018

Returning the Ear, Malmö November 2018

Returning the Ear, Malmö November 2018

Returning the Ear, Malmö November 2018

Returning the Ear, Malmö November 2018

Returning the Ear, Malmö November 2018

Returning the Ear, Malmö November 2018

Returning the Ear, Copenhagen, November 2018

Returning the Ear, Copenhagen, November 2018