
Hökarängen Project (2013)

Hökarängen Project was a site-responsive archive sonically articulating diverse rhythms characterizing the Hökarängen neighbourhood in Stockholm. The audio archive was built of field recordings and interviews conducted during a period of seven days. It reflected ongoing processes characterizing the neighbourhood. The collection accommodated conflicting points, polzarized opinions and observations regarding the current gentrification as well as field recordings of the everyday life aura, the local atmosphere and its undercurrent human and other-than-human rhythms. After the period dedicated to building the substance of the archive, I concluded the process through a performative, improvisatory live assemblage of its fragmentary content.

An open-ended audio installation enriched everyday with a new dose of accounts and field recordings was displayed at the gallery Cigarrvägen 13 between August 30 and September 5, 2013. The exhibition was followed by a performance summing up the process of constructing the database.

The exhibition and performance took place within the framework of Augmented Spatiality, a group exhibition curated by Maria Andueza in Stockholm in August-September 2013. More info here

Documentation from the installation at Cigarrvägen 13, Stockholm within Augmented Spatiality exhibition curated by Maria Andueza. Credit: SERRÍN.TV, Videographer